I have mixed feelings about this. I really consider the American releases of the Beatles to be somewhat of a hot mess. This was acually the second Beatles album to be released in the states. The first was Introducing the Beatles, which was released by VeeJay records a few months before this Captial release. There are some very lengthy stories about all of this mess online, so I won't go into it all here. This came from a time that records were really a collection of singles and songs, not a complete piece of art unto themselves. The differences in the American and English versions of the early Beatles albums have much to do with the record industry and what they thought would be the best selling in their respective markets. The Americans even went so far as to remix the tracks to better suit the ears of the American audience. All of that aside this is still The Beatles and this is was pretty much their first exposure to this side of the pond.
Based on the recent case against Pharrel and Thick for Blurred Lines, I think Paul could probably sue everyone who recorded anything in pop music after this. Not that the Beatles weren't without their influences too. One of the great things about going through this list is hearing things that came from other places and really being able to put so much of this music in perspective. All of that aside, The Beatles are the kings of popular music. So much can be traced back to these recordings.