For sure my favorite Band album. I have to admit that I was not that big of a Band fan before I started this project. I was familiar. I saw the Last Waltz and had that album I also knew them from Bob Dylan albums like Before the Flood. I just never really 'got' them. The fact is that I don't think anyone can until you actually listen to the albums. They are one of those bands that you can draw some conclusion about from listening to the tracks that get airplay, but the conclusions that are drawn are incomplete and flat out wrong. When you really get into a Band album and appreciate to looseness and tightness at the same time. Hear the americana, bluegrass, blues, country, rock and folk melting pot that they have going on. That's when you really get the Band and have a deaper appreciation for what they did in the short time that they were together and understand why they were so well liked and respected by their contemporaries.